Monday, April 27, 2009

Playing with your organ!

Two weeks ago after too much whiskey, I watched 5 minutes of a Lawrence Welk re-run, maybe it turned into 25 minutes I don't clearly remember. I was transfixed by the 'dated' 1960's organ sound, a Thomas Organ to be exact, a sound I can pick out whether I am coherent or not! I can not properly convey the level of (well, that might be too harsh of a description) but if you are familiar with the organ and know the sounds it can produce then you know what I am talking about. (This was NOT a Hammond B-3)
Put that inane repeating drum sound on, add in an organ-marimba, cello, whatever, turn on the Vibra-Magic and you have a Lawrwence Welk show soundtrack. I can't play the piano or organ worth a damn, I tired; you can buy old organs rather cheap if you agree to haul them off (check it out). I bought an organ at an estate sale about 6 years ago for $ 10 and put it in my garage, I would occasionally play it at night much to the confusion of my neighbors...the garage allowed for even greater echo effects and it was like the Welk show was being piped in from the heavens! More on this later.......

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